Prana — principle of energy


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The pathless path of awakening is filled with obstacles, all of which are essentially products of the mind attempting to solidify itself as our real identity.As you begin to practice presence, meditation, or self-observation, or if you already have practiced for some time, you will notice that illusory thoughts constantly try to pull us away from our silent, peaceful awareness.This is actually an egoic reaction to the awakening process. It is a reaction that tries to deviate us away from the process of awakening.💜On one level, you are deeply attracted to the spiritual instinct, and what is attracted to it...

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What is Prana?

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What is Prana?

Prana in Sanskrit means VITAL LIFE FORCE. Prana is the universal principle of energy or force. It is the sum total of all energy that is manifest in the universe, all the forces in nature and powers which are hidden in men and which lie everywhere around us.  Understanding what prana is and how it works is like being given a key that can unlock new improved levels of health and wellbeing—on the inside and out. We Are More Than the Physical Body Our outermost layer, the physical body, is what we tend to associate with most because it’s tangible—we can...

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