Prana — chakras

CHAKRAS — What are Chakras?

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CHAKRAS — What are Chakras?

⁣❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤍Most likely you have heard of Chakras or seen images depicting various colors such as the one above. But how much do you actually know about what the Chakras are, where the knowledge of them comes from, and what the word “Chakra” actually means? ⁣⁣🧘‍♀️Literally speaking, the word “chakra” from Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disk.” But it also references a spiritual energy center within the human body, of which there are seven along the spine, and through the neck and the crown of your head. ⁣⁣🧘‍♀️The chakra system originated in India between 1500 and 500 BC in the oldest...

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Symptoms of Energy Shifts You Shouldn't Ignore

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Symptoms of Energy Shifts You Shouldn't Ignore

As we are heading into the Age of Aquarius, new energies are encompassing our bodies and are reflected in various physiological symptoms. Within this transition of the ages, many people will begin to feel many of these energy shift symptoms on a regular basis as our bodies are adjusting and upgrading to the higher frequencies.   HEADACHES: When the crown chakra opens or expands it can be an intense and painful experience. It might feel like a spike or rod is being inserted. Headaches are common and they can range from migraines, to cluster headaches. Women seem to experience them more than men....

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